Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Importants Of Closing Your Bag Of Soil

once again I opened my bag of soil to find Gnats everywhere.  It was my fault this time, after the last plant I potted I did not close it well because I thought I would be using it again real soon.  Then it rained.  However now I have learned not to assume and close it.  At least it wasn't much soil I wasted and the yard will enjoy my mess up.   

You want to keep it as air tight as you can, I usually put the main bag in another bag so it's double layers of protection.   Roll and tape the main bag as tightly as you can, but those bags can have small holes. Either from being moved around at the store or you, or they are made that way.  That is why I suggest the second bag.     I would like to get a trash can with a lid to store my soil in but I just haven't got around to it.  For all I know that wouldn't work the way I think.

If you find your bag of soil has Gnats, please please don't use it on any indoor plants. You will regret it.    You will always want to inspect your soil before using to prevent a gnat infestation in your house because when one plant has the they all will get them.  I have been through this. Sometimes the gnats may be in a plant you just bought so water new plants outside and watch real close to see if any fly out before you put it next to any other plants.  I try to re-pot all new plants asap.  

Green Thumbs Run In The Family!

After talking to my Grandma (maternal) I found out her mom had a green thumb too. She said she had a lot of house plants and could make anything grow, even a stick ha ha.  I have that same ability, stuff that others would count as beyond hope or dead I try to save. Most of the time I do.    My dad was also good with plants.  I am not really sure about my mom since she died when I was young, I know we always had a jungle but who took care of it isn't in my memories.  I can't ask my Dad since he has passed. Either way I got it from both sides.  I am hoping my son will enjoy plants the way I do, he seems to now. He always wants to move them around, play in the dirt and stroke the leaves.   He is also my watering helper.   We just need to master getting the water in the plants and not on the floor, ha ha. 

   I am going to see if my Grandma has any pictures of great-Grandma's plants.