Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Moving With Plants

I have got some plants from people that were moving, side note: I would never give away my plants because I was moving.  But this brings up how hard it is to take your plants with you. I have never moved "out of town" so my "not giving them away" may change if I had to move further then the other side of town.   It took many trips in the car to get all my plants from the old house to the new house. This was because I have big, medium and small plants so they all couldn't be crammed into the car at one time, at least not without breaking them.

During my move I lost 2 of my plants, I think the first is called a "Hen & Chick", it just up and died within a week of moving.  It could of been from being left in the hot/warm room for a day or from the shock of moving. I had also transplanted it to a new and different kind of pot about a month before moving.  I don't think it really liked the new pot I put it in. I was planning on putting it back in a pot like it was before I transplanted it but it died before that happened. 

I had a Hen & Chick plant a while ago and killed it too, so it could just be that this type of plants doesn't like me. That can happen.

The next one I lost was my Gold Fish Plant, I am pretty sure that is the name of it. It is called that because the flowers look like Gold Fish. with this one I don't think I can really blame the move on its demise. It was not looking to good before we thought about moving.

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